Thursday 3 April 2008

Lets Get Personal

Its time I introduced my cats.

Smudge is a tabby, he just turned up one day and decided to stay . Despite asking around the neighbourhood and putting adverts in the local shops, he was never claimed and so he adopted us (note, not adopted by us). He’s great fun, always up to something, but very lovable.
He is a bit poorly at the moment. We think he has been involved in a fight and may have a wound on his face but he will not let us close enough to check him out. We hate to see him this way. He normally wakes us every morning, crawling onto the bed and rubbing against us. We knew something was amiss when this routine was broken and his food was left untouched. This normally placid and sociable cat turned quite aggressive and withdrawn. An appointment with the vet should hopefully put things right.

Sophie is a princess and rather aloof . A long time member of the family, she has endured the affections of both my children and now my grandchild with a great deal of grace and patience. We love her to bits. Affection is given on her terms, but when given it comes with great enthusiasm. She accepted Smudge with very little fuss. Once she assumed the role of matriarch and order was restored, after some little posturing and one or two chastising swipes of her paw, things settled into a warm friendship.

I hope to update you on my cats in future blogs

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