Again, natural cat behaviour that we don’t like, for obvious reasons!. As previously stated scenting is one way cats communicate. Cat urine is particularly pungent and occurs manly in unneutered tom cats although all cats, both male and female, neutered and unneutered may spray from time to time.
Spraying communicates a cats age, identity, sexual identity and activity. Spraying cat urine also marks a territory. This occurs especially if their are other cats around and your cat feel under threat. Offensive cat behaviour ? Well, only to our nose and pocket.
Spraying communicates a cats age, identity, sexual identity and activity. Spraying cat urine also marks a territory. This occurs especially if their are other cats around and your cat feel under threat. Offensive cat behaviour ? Well, only to our nose and pocket.
But smells and stains can cause distress especially if they occur inside the house, so the following may offer some comfort. But remember, a cats sense of smell is far more intense than our own and I am sure that, in some instances, a cat would complain about us if they could !
Joking aside, cat urine can be most unpleasant. It leaves a very strong smell and depending on your cats diet, sex and age, can leave deep yellow stains that are very hard, though not impossible to remove. If bedding, cushions or deep filled materials are fouled it may be all but impossible to remove the smell although it may fade with time.
Carpets ~ It is always best to treat the offending area as soon as possible. Use paper towelling or a clean cloth to absorb as much of the cats urine as possible. Use a blotting action, do not rub. The more cat urine you can remove before it dries, this less odour will remain.
Continue this action until most of the urine is removed. Then pour over a small amount of clean water and repeat the blotting action. Do this once or twice more.
There are many commercially available cleaning agents on the market for cleaning odours and stains but you may not have these available at the time an offence is committed. Some common household products could help.
Baking soda ~ sprinkle over a dampened, not wet, surface. Massage into the fabric and allow to dry, then vacuum or brush away the residue.
White vinegar ~ vinegar is a very good cleaner/odour neutraliser and disinfectant to have around the house anyway. A 3-1 mix (3 parts water to 1 of vinegar) should do the trick but you may want to adjust this as desired. Lightly soak the offending area, cover well with dry paper towels then with cloth then newspaper, (make sure the newspaper stays within the area covered by the towelling and cloth). Put something heavy over this and remove after a few hours. Use a vacuum to brush and raise the pile of the carpet.
Furniture upholstery ~ remove the fabric if at all possible. Use a blotting action to remove as much of the cat urine as possible. Wet thoroughly with clean water and dab again until most of the liquid is removed, repeat. Rub the soiled area in a circular motion to remove further liquid, then dry with a hair dryer on a cool setting working from the outer edge inwards.
Wooden flooring ~ wash with clean water, then several times with white vinegar, then again with warm soapy water. Blot until dry.
When using vinegar/ vinegar solution, always test a hidden area prior to use on the stain
If you have cat urine on your clothes try apple cider vinegar. Add ¼ of a cup to your regular washing powder and proceed with your normal wash cycle. Of course this method applies to any fabric that can be removed and washed in your machine.
As stated, there are many commercial products available for removing cat urine. As cat owners it is always preferable to have these to hand. Unfortunately, life is often not quite that obliging. The above ideas may help to solve the immediate problem.
Carpets and flooring may need the additional help of a wet and dry vacuum cleaner.
Specialised pet stain/odour removers and enzyme/bacteria cleaners should be applied as soon as possible to any soiled areas, this will also discourage pussy from repeating the indiscretion
Always read the label prior to use.
I hope the above suggestions have been of some help. There are many ideas circulating to tackle this problem, some good some not so good and some best left alone if you don’t want to remove most of your furnishings along with the cat pee!. Again let common sense prevail and always try a hidden area with any solution, be it home made or shop bought, prior to treating the stain.
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